Design Fair

It’s been six years since I wrote about my love for vintage furniture in my first blog. After all these years, nothing has changed at all. On the contrary: read more about my plans in this blog!

NIA interior stylist

Interior stylist NIA Academy

In my previous blog you could read how I took up pottery during this special period. Daar kan ik nog veel meer over vertellen, maar daarover in een volgende blog meer. READ MORE


A Passion for Pottery

Everyday life can be very hectic. Work, children and endless obligations. Unfortunately, COVID-19 made social life a lot quieter. READ MORE


My favorite color: green!

The color green has a large number of meanings. Green is associated with optimism, progress, freshness and life. That’s why green generally has a positive image. READ MORE

berber carpets beni ouarain

Swayed to Berber Carpets

I’m hooked on Berber carpets. These carpets are “real”. They’re never perfect, but that’s what makes them so irresistible. READ MORE

buenos aires

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Whether you’re in Buenos Aires for the first or umpteenth time, there’s a good chance you’ll end up in the Palermo district. That is, if you’re looking for a place that’s on the move and where you can feel the creative pulse of the city.READ MORE

New York

24 hours New York

I have visited New York many times. One of the few places of which you’ll never get enough. The hustle and bustle in Manhattan is overwhelming, yet there are also less visited places that are very rewarding and, as far as I’m concerned, even surpass the big attractions.READ MORE

Brocante markets and Vide-greniers

I regularly visit brocante markets and vide-greniers, usually in France because there are simply a lot of them with often a very large and diverse assortment. I’m always looking forward to what I could do there. READ MORE